Our Values & Philosophy


We believe the world is how we shape it… and we’re shaping it for the better.

And for us, shaping the world for the better is our commitment to making a difference - harnessing the power of innovation to drive positive change for business, society and the planet, delivering social value.

Our Social Value Pillars

Social value is the term we use to describe the positive value we create for our clients, their customers, our communities and the environment. Ultimately, we’re focusing on people, planet, and purpose.

Image of three interlocking circles with the words people in the left circle, planet in the middle circle, and purpose in the right circle.


People are the heartbeat of social value. We’re making lasting change to benefit our colleagues, clients, their customers, and our communities.

  • Recognised as a people-centric business, having been ranked by Great Place to Work’s® (GPTW) UK Best Workplaces™ 2023. We’re also proud to be ranked by GPTW UK in its Best Workplaces for Wellbeing; Best Workplaces for Women; and Best Workplaces in Tech 2023 listings.


We support our planet by innovating to protect the environment.

  • Cutting our emissions, saving energy, and reducing waste.
  • Through rewilding and reforestation, we’re giving back and making a positive impact.
  • By incorporating sustainability principles into our services, we support our clients in their net zero journey.


And we deliver end-to-end services that serve a greater purpose, that make life better.

  • Working to increase the diversity of our supply chain, constantly assessing and measuring the social value credentials of key suppliers, and ​working with suppliers to address climate change ​challenges and the risk of modern slavery within the supply chain.

Our philosophy

Our business is, first and foremost, about people. The solutions we develop are driven by the connections they make and the problems they solve. Our services only matter if they work for people and our planet. And, for us, if they serve a greater purpose

You see, we believe, together, we can shape our world for the better. It’s up to us…

If we respect one another, our clients and their customers. If we care for our planet and our community. If we strive for excellence in everything we do and create the conditions for excellence to flourish. And if we use our empathy to understand, to
 connect, to create and help shape better solutions together. Then we can shape our world for the better.

Remembering that we’re real people, united by a greater purpose and here to do good are the principles at the heart of our philosophy. Putting people first. Making things better. Being good citizens. Doing the right thing. Taking pride in it. It sounds so simple yet it’s anything but.

But it’s how we’ll shape our world for the better. It’s what it means to be Living Sopra Steria.


We work together in a way that is ethical, fair and inclusive

  • We treat each other as equals.
  • We make decisions in an open, consistent and fair way.
  • We appreciate the value our colleagues bring because of their different backgrounds, perspectives and experiences.


We’re focused on excellence not perfection

  • We value all learning, whether it comes from getting things right or getting things wrong.
  • We look for continuous improvement and innovation so that we can go above and beyond.
  • We regularly ask for and give feedback as a way of working together.


We’re real people who take care of each other

  • We put ourselves in the shoes of others and listen to understand.
  • We help our colleagues to bring their best selves to work so they can live their best lives.
  • We think ‘people first’ in our everyday work and in the decisions we make.


We’re committed to doing better for people and the planet

  • We find ways to support others because their success is as important as our own.
  • We find solutions that make a difference to our colleagues, our clients, their customers and the environment.
  • We give back to the community by volunteering, fundraising and creating opportunities to make a difference.

Our Story

Sopra Steria UK Story


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Thought Leadership

Celebrating young innovators: TeenTech Awards 2024

Jul 9, 2024, 14:40 PM
Title* : Celebrating young innovators: TeenTech Awards 2024
Becky Davis was a lead judge for the Best Innovation Award at the recent TeenTech Awards filled with inspiring and passionate young innovators. Take a read about her experience.

by Becky Davis, Consulting Director, Sopra Steria Next

Recently, I had the incredible honour of serving as the Lead Judge for the Best Innovation Award at the TeenTech Awards, Years 7-11 category.

The TeenTech Awards bring together some of the brightest and most passionate young innovators. What stood out to me the most was the boundless energy, technical ability, and deep product knowledge displayed by these students.

I left the day filled with admiration and inspiration from the young people I met. Their enthusiasm was infectious, and it was evident that they are not just future technologists but current trailblazers in their own right.

I loved their focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI), sustainability, and health and that this community is not driven by profit but by the genuine desire to make the world a better place. Their commitment to addressing real-world problems with creativity and compassion was evident in every project.

There was a running theme in all the conversations I had; low-cost, high-value solutions that aimed to benefit humanity, society, their peers. It was a refreshing reminder of what true innovation looks like, unhindered by the constraints of the commercial world we often find ourselves in today.

The winners in my category? It was a tough call. But a clear winner did emerge: Morpho. An innovative, technical solution that reimagines how we may decorate our homes, offices and shopping spaces in the future; an immersive, sustainable and personalised replacement for paint and wall coverings. Two amazing young women who connected the disciplines of physics, maths and computer science to create a new technology, undergoing a personal journey of self-education in python and circuit boards and product development. I loved it!

Being able to connect back into community is such a privilege and highlight of my job. Sopra Steria supports every single employee in our UK Buisness to give back to our community with three days volunteering a year. After a day of volunteering at the awards, I finished my week feeling inspired, energised, and alive! I look forward to seeing how these young innovators will continue to grow and impact the world in the years to come.

Here’s to the future—a future that is undoubtedly bright with the creativity and ingenuity of these young minds leading the way.

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