Sopra Steria UK Tax Strategy

At Sopra Steria, we believe the world is how we shape it - and we're shaping it for the better

For us, shaping the world for the  better is our commitment to making a  difference – harnessing the power of  innovation to drive positive change in business and society.

Our business is, first and foremost, about  people - our services only matter if they work  for people and our planet.

Known for our collaborative approach, we provide consulting and digital services,  creating innovative solutions, at scale, to deliver services that make life better. Providing services that serve a greater  purpose.

Our work touches many lives in the UK, from helping the government provide essential public and health services that offer more convenience and choice, to improving financial services to deliver fairer, customer-centric solutions.

Our approach to managing tax risk and maintaining good governance

We are committed to being a responsible and compliant taxpayer and we do this through robust governance, clearly defined processes, and controls.

The Sopra Steria Executive Committee is responsible for setting the Sopra Steria UK's tax strategy. The executive responsibility for implementing it is placed with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) who is a member of the Executive Committee. The UK tax strategy is aligned with Sopra SteriaGroup global tax strategy. The Executive Committee is informed of all potentially material tax risks. The CFO is authorised to make decisions and sign filings and other documentation in relation to our tax affairs on behalf of the UK entities.

Day-to-day tax affairs of Sopra Steria UK are managed by The UK Head of Tax and suitably qualified professionals, supported where appropriate by external advisors.

Regular training is provided to ensure that tax compliance is carried out with a suitable level of diligence and technical expertise.

Tax risks and uncertainty may arise either from interpretation of tax law, or the implementation of tax law, which has the potential to have an adverse financial, regulatory or reputational outcome. Sopra Steria UK proactively seeks to identify, evaluate, manage and monitor its risks by maintaining robust processes and controls which are designed to minimise the risk of errors arising which could impact the amount of tax that we pay.

Where there is significant uncertainty or complexity in relation to a transaction or operation, Sopra Steria UK will typically seek appropriate professional advice and apply its governance structure to any decisions arising.

Our attitude to tax planning

Where there is significant uncertainty or complexity in relation to a transaction or operation, Sopra Steria UK will typically seek appropriate professional advice and apply its governance structure to any decisions arising.

Any structuring that is undertaken will have been thoroughly evaluated by competent professionals and have full regard to potential impact on our reputation and broader goals.

Constructive approach when engaging with tax authorities

We engage with HMRC with honesty, respect, integrity, and fairness and in a spirit of cooperative compliance. We share information about our commercial developments or transactions, especially where there are complex tax treatments. We ensure that all information is clearly presented to the tax authorities as appropriate and in a timely manner.

We do not take positions on tax matters that may create reputational risk or jeopardise our good standing with tax authorities. We are however prepared to litigate where we disagree with a ruling or decision of a tax authority, having first always sought to resolve any disputed matters through professional and transparent discussion

*This strategy is aligned with our Ethics Code and is approved, owned and overseen by the UK Executive Committee.

*This strategy applies to all UK entities within the Sopra Steria Group (hereafter referred to as “Sopra Steria UK”). Sopra Steria UK regards the publication of the information set out below as complying with the duty under Paragraph 19, Schedule 19 Finance Act  2016 (duty to publish a tax strategy) reviewed on a periodic basis and updated where necessary. This strategy has been updated  31 Dec 2024.