Where we are leading the way
We have been recognised for taking leading action to address climate change and wider sustainability issues.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
We align our work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This means we adopt the global goals that define a sustainable future for all, ensuring that our business addresses
wider sustainability issues to create the biggest positive difference.
Greenhouse gas emissions Reductions Targets: SBTi approved
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has validated our near and long term net zero targets in line with the requirements of the SBTi Net-Zero Standard. We aim to reduce our absolute Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 90% by 2040 compared with a 2019 baseline.
CDP rewards Sopra Steria for its action in the fight against climate change
The CDP rating is the international benchmark for corporate environmental transparency.
In 2023, inclusion in the CDP “A List” for the seventh consecutive year rewards Sopra Steria for pursuing an ambitious environmental sustainability programme as part of its wider Corporate Responsibility strategy and making climate action
"business as usual" in its operations, supply chain and services to clients. A record-breaking 23,000 companies responded with less than 2% making the ‘A’ List.
EcoVadis: Platinum
EcoVadis awarded Sopra Steria a platinum rating, recognising our performance against 21 social, ethical, environmental and supply chain criteria, placing us within the top 1% of global companies.
ISO14001: 2015
Sopra Steria’s Environment Management System is certified to ISO14001:2015 for the sites that it controls in the UK.
Climate Neutral for Office Space, Data Centres and Business Travel
Sopra Steria are climate neutral for office space, data centres and business travel under the United Nations Climate Neutral NOW programme.
United Nations Global Compact: Advanced
Sopra Steria have an advanced United Nations Global Compact rating, positioning us amongst the top 9% globally for our commitment to human rights, labour standards, protection of the environment and anti-corruption.
Edie Awards: Finalist
Sopra Steria were finalists in UK’s largest Sustainability Awards 2019 in the Sustainable Supply chain category.
The Financial Times European Climate Leaders List
Sopra Steria are ranked 7th (out of 400 companies) in The Financial Times European Climate Leaders List.