Crossing International Borders

by Tom Staley - Technology Advisory and Innovation Lead
| minute read
As with any digital transformation, it’s critical to get the views of the service’s users. Without those important opinions, it isn’t possible to create truly user-centric journeys. This is certainly true when looking at border management. 

To get an insight into what service users think about interactions at the border, we conducted a survey of 1,020 representative UK citizens. The results were really intriguing, indicating that on the whole people were unhappy with their recent border experiences, and that they were willing to use technology and provide their data to improve things. Take a look at the infographic below to discover the key numbers.

Infographic titled crossing international borders.

Section one is titled travelling abroad showing 61% of UK citizens have travelled abroad in the last five years. Split by gender 65% of men had and 57% of women.

The next section is titled border crossing experience. 92% of respondents would improve the border crossing experience. Pie chart showing what would most improve the experience when crossing an international border. 49% said shorter queues, 20% said a simpler process, 10% said better customer service available, 8% said nothing, it is absolutely fine, 5% said better signage, 4% said more information available and 4% said other or don't know.

The next section is titled eGates. 73% of respondents use eGates when travelling through an airport and men are more likely to use eGates than women with 75% men and 69% of women.

The next section is titled storing documents digitally and shows' 88% of respondents would be willing to use digital versions of travel documents. 91% of  25-34 year old's would consider storing travel documentation on phones or tablets if it improved the border experience and enhanced security. This is vs 59% of people 65 years and older.

The final section is titled personal data. A chart shows 71% of respondents are willing to share personal data with transport and government agencies if it improves the border crossing experience. 24% said absolutely yes, 47% said perhaps, 6% said don't think so and 23% said absolutely not.

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