STORM Ecosystem

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STORM: Transforming policing

STORM is our market-leading Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) software trusted by nearly 70% of the UK's police forces and deployed internationally. STORM is often referred to as the ‘beating heart of the control room,’ sitting squarely at the centre of emergency response operations, and facilitating the appropriate handling of 999 and 101 incidents throughout their complex lifecycles.

For nearly three decades, STORM has supported call handlers to triage and capture call information, facilitated dispatchers to dispatch the most appropriate resources to respond, and enabled post-incident audit and review to ensure that future learnings could be identified and progressed. We are proud in the role that STORM has played across the country and internationally, and as policing has evolved, STORM has evolved too. It continues to develop alongside the ever-changing landscape of bluelight services.

With our ever-expanding roadmap of deliveries, we are consistently engaging with our customers. We take the time to understand their pain points and collaborate with the sector and technology experts to build innovative solutions. Each development answers a very real business need, with value for money at the centre of everything we do.

STORM Roadmap

The diagram outlines the structure of the SmartSTORM system, showcasing different components related to telephony contact management, incident handling, risk management, and resource allocation in emergency response operations. It is visually organised into sections representing different stages of handling emergency calls, with new features marked by a gradient from dark purple to orange.

Top Section: SmartSTORM Enhanced Contact
This section is responsible for managing telephony contact from emergency calls (e.g., 999 or 101).


  • Full Telephony Contact Management
  • Contact Event Creation
  • Caller History
  • Early Vulnerability Assessment
  • Flags + Markers Identification

SmartSTORM Enhanced Contact connects directly to calls (999 + 101) at the top of the diagram.

Middle Section: SmartSTORM CAD (Computer-Aided Dispatch)
Handles various stages of incident and resource management after contact is established.


  • Incident Handling 
  • Demand Management 
  • Information Sharing
  • Collaboration
  • Risk Handling
  • Resourcing

Components and Interfaces:

  • RMS Interfaces (left side of the diagram): Links to RMS Search, connecting to Incident Handling and Demand Management
  • STORM Go (right side): Connects to Resourcing and Risk Handling
    Patrol Planning (right side): Linked to SmartSTORM CAD for resource and dispatch management.
  • STORM DC (right side): Interfaces with Risk Handling and Resourcing.

Bottom Section: Roles and Supporting Systems

  • Senior Leadership: Linked to Information Sharing and Demand Management.
  • Call Handlers: Engage with Incident Handling and Demand Management.
  • Dispatchers: Collaborate through Resourcing and Risk Handling.
  • Response Officers: Connected to Dispatchers through the STORM Go interface

New and Exciting Innovations (marked in gradient colors)

  • RMS Search
  • STORMSynopsis
  • STORMShield
  • SupportPoint

These innovations are integrated into various parts of the system, offering new tools for emergency response and data handling.

    Enhanced Contact: Smarter risk management

    Enhanced Contact is our flagship solution that addresses the needs of forces to better understand the risk profile and vulnerability of calls coming into the control room. This will build upon recent developments such as our Record Management System (RMS) Search. This gives call handlers immediate, accurate and relevant information from RMS systems, relating to the call they are currently handling. The benefit realisation of this approach is significant time saving in average handle times by removing the need to access multiple systems. And crucially, it enables a quicker, more informed risk assessment at the front end and assistance in identifying repeat and vulnerable callers.

    Patrol Planning: Optimising resource allocation

    Additionally, through solutions such as Patrol Planning, we are supporting forces to make the best use of their limited resources. By allowing our customers to utilise their local knowledge, targeted plans can be easily created, recorded and reported against, allowing for proactive and preventative policing to be easily planned and delivered against. Patrol Planning records officer hot spot activity automatically and visualises this through a performance dashboard. Not only will this approach reduce significant manual overheads, but it will produce a much more accurate correlation between activity and outcome success.

    Beyond the Control Room: Advisory and support services

    For many years, we have supported our control rooms to deliver, but we understand that policing is more than the control room, and we are proud to be more than STORM. Our advisory services have allowed us to embed ourselves as trusted partners with our customers. We use our in-depth sector knowledge and unparalleled STORM knowledge to provide recommendations for improvements and best practice implementations, resulting in improved HMICFRS inspection outcomes.

    The future of STORM

    We’re proud to be constantly developing and building core STORM functionalities. At the same time, we are expanding our extensive offering of interfaces and functional additions. These allow customers to adapt their STORM tooling to their specific needs, allowing for significant value for money as customers can select the configurations they require.

    Highly customisable, STORM ensures that business processes can be dictated by best practices and standardised approaches, rather than limited by technological constraints. Through consistent engagement with our customers and the wider sector, we will continue to build intuitive and configurable resolutions to key challenges, and endeavour to ensure that our roadmap provides exciting and cost-effective solutions to our customers.

    Learn more about STORM



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