Sopra Steria supports enterprising young people at the UK Young Enterprise Company of the Year

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Last month Young Enterprise (YE) held the Greater Manchester final of the ‘Company Programme’ competition and we were delighted to sponsor the event.

Each year Young Enterprise holds a competition for young people in years 9 to 13, where they have the opportunity to set up and run their own company. The students are in full control of the company and make all decisions, everything from product development and branding to all financial considerations. Students are then able to sell their products to the public through pop-up shops at Young Enterprise trade fairs, and on its online sales marketplace. The companies who enter have the chance to compete regionally, nationally and in Europe.

The aim of the competition is to develop and apply young people's skills and attributes to encourage an enterprising mindset. Taking part provides real-life learning opportunities and gives young people insight into what it’s like to set up and run a business, as well as insight into the world of work.

Competing to be crowned UK YE Company of the Year

The Greater Manchester event featured 10 ‘companies’ that had either won or were runners up in their area.

Volunteers from Sopra Steria joined the event to help judge the competition and provide insight on employability skills, such as confidence, resilience, and teamwork.

It was a fantastic day, and everyone got so much out of it, students, and volunteers alike. Tony Senior, Senior Test Manager at Sopra Steria explained, “It’s been great to be involved in the Greater Manchester final of the Young Enterprise school’s competition. What an inspiring day, working with such talented young adults who are all so passionate about their businesses. I’ve enjoyed coaching the teams, helping them prepare for their presentations, and talking to them about how the skills they’re developing will help them with their future employability and careers.”

We were impressed with all of the teams business and competition was tight on the day with Gripsoles winning.

Working with Young Enterprise

At Sopra Steria, we recognise how important it is to nurture the future workforce, which is why we are delighted to work with Young Enterprise, who are empowering young people to discover, develop and celebrate their skills and potential.

Alongside the Young Enterprise Company Programme we’re getting involved in the Learn to Earn programme which is a school's skill-sharing initiative that aims to provide students with a better understanding of job pathways and careers they may be interested in.

Our first Learn to Earn volunteering day took place recently and Senior Project Manager at Sopra Steria, Sally Anderson said “all in all, it was an incredibly rewarding day, Young Enterprise were fantastic, and the students were all engaged, some of their dreams and aspirations were really inspiring!”

We're proud to be working with Young Enterprise and helping to support the important work that they do.

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