Evolution or revolution in the mortgage and lending industry?

The UK Financial Services industry has undergone extensive change during recent years. Lenders are having to adapt to redirection in regulation, significant levels of information processing, and ever-changing customer expectations. Digital implementation and innovation are key to survival.

Many lenders struggle with legacy systems. Often these systems consist of non-scalable IT environments. Operating models that may have multiple facilities, across multiple brands with separate front and back-office systems compound this challenge, because of prohibitive upgrade costs.

Additionally, manual workflows and, in some cases, paper-based lending can slow or even halt the lending process, negatively impacting customer satisfaction.

Making sure you are ready to serve your customers

Whether secured or unsecured, lending remains a key area for customer interactions, yet it continues to exist and evolve despite being hosted on historic and legacy platforms.

At Sopra Steria, we understand the consumer dynamic is changing.

Lenders need to embrace digital transformation, taking the time to fully understand their existing and future client bases, while also leveraging the value of data held within legacy platforms to provide truly personalised customer journeys.

We provide a range of services to Financial Service providers to help them grow their business and react quickly to changes in the market.

Our services

With client data becoming more readily available via the likes of Open Banking or Open Finance, the way in which lenders operate and proactively promote their products and services in the market are equally changing. The use of platforms and wider 3rd party vendors to leverage market share, penetration and availability is becoming increasingly popular. While popular, this change requires extensive technological advances and process configuration in order to establish a competitive differentiation as well as a seamless service for customers. All while adhering to extensive regulatory complexity.

Sopra Steria works with clients to build and grow lending businesses, excelling in customer acquisition through the development of micro-journeys designed to create an emotional connection to your brand. Specialised credit underwriting underpinned by the best technology in the market today allows you to automate growth based on a series of pre-agreed metrics.

Importantly, the ongoing servicing of your customers or members is also taken care of, whether that be through upselling and cross-selling, or helping people who are facing vulnerable situations.


We cover all stages of the mortgage and unsecured loan customer lifecycle 

Graphic with customer acquisition, customer service and customer exit and an arrow covering them all saying customer journey at the top, and one at the bottom saying customer engagement. Two boxes at the bottom saying regulatory compliance and reporting, and core banking platform

Customer acquisitionCustomer serviceCustomer exit
AcquisitionDocument managementDigital offboarding
Digital onboardingFurther advancesLoan default
KYC/AMLCustomer servicesCollections
Account openingPaymentsLoss mitigation
OriginationCash managementRepossessions
MigrationTransaction monitoringBankruptcies
UnderwritingEscrow managementLeg & sec. discharge
Securities for advancesTitle managementAccount closure

Personalised products and the service received for each is becoming increasingly the most important factor for customers across all industries, with Financial Services being no exception. As competition for customers increases with the emergence of challenger banks, neo–banks and non-traditional banking organisations entering the market, the ease of change and an increased availability of personalised products must be top of mind for lenders to remain competitive.

Yet the need for customer-centricity is central to achieving retention and growth in the customer base, as well as adherence to Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) and the Consumer Duty.

As such, institutions must find new and innovative ways to in which to attract, onboard and retain customers. Our Mortgage and Loan Business Process Services focus on customer centricity and provide outcome-based servicing that emphasise quality rather than just incremental cost savings.

By working with Sopra Steria to design and deploy Mortgage and Loan Business Process Services, Banks and Building Societies can take advantage of :

  • Bundled Platform and Service offerings.
  • End to end lending services with efficiency embedded in the solution.
  • Deploying the right implementation methodology with skilled resources.
  • Standardising processes while enabling technology and process configuration to drive lender differentiation.
  • Responding to unique and changing regulatory requirements.

In turn they will be able to unlock a number of business and customer experience benefits including:

  • Innovative commercial models based on an outcome-based BPaaS model.
  • Reduced time to market in terms of responding to customers and changing offers to meet changing market and regulatory demands.
  • Reduced cost of ownership through improved process efficiency.
  • Innovative licensing policy as part of BPaaS offering.
  • Robotic and Cognitive Process Automation (RPA and CPA) to scale operations and reduce manual dependencies.


Discover our latest thinking in financial services

Growing trust whilst moving online: Prioritising digital enablement in financial services

In this research report, we examine the importance of digital inclusion and discuss five key actions that lenders and investors can take now to build trust, inclusion and digital adoption. 

Read more

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